I know many of you already follow my secret IG account. I am looking to add a few more people to it. Are you interested?
you might wonder what is on that account that is it on my other public accounts. Well… There are videos and pictures. A lot like this website but there’s something fun about trying to get around the IG rules. I don’t post there a lot. But I like to pop in there every once in a while. The key to it is that you will have to sit through 30 to 40 seconds of an image to get to the good stuff. I have only had one video removed. And that’s pretty good for an account like this. One day it will probably get deleted but until then I’m going to have fun with it.
I don’t post there a lot. But I like to pop in there every once in a while. The key to it is that you will have to sit through 30 to 40 seconds of an image to get to the good stuff. I have only had one video removed. And that’s pretty good for an account like this. One day it will probably get deleted but until then I’m going to have fun with it.
however… To follow it means you have to agree to certain rules. I make my content free. It’s more work than some people might realize. And in return to pay for that I ask that you like everything I post and leave a comment on every post. Very simple. That means though if you’re trying to hide your activity, that following may not be for you. This is for people who do not care that people will see them comment on this account. It is a private account, but you still have to follow it.
Here is the link: https://instagram.com/secretmama6971?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
you will have to copy and paste it or look for the name on IG. I will delete this post at some point, so it will be interesting to me to see who’s actually reading this. Please leave a comment if you end up following me so I know who has found me from this post.
It was def disappointing